
New Procedures due to COVID-19

Update April 10, 2022: masks are optional (but still encouraged). I have been fully vaccinated (boosted Jan 1, 2022) and will continue to wear a mask while working on you and in close proximity.

I am still being cautious.  Now that we are farther into this we know a lot more than we knew at the beginning, I would rather err on the side of caution because my goal is to keep all of you safe and DO NO HARM.  

There is always going to be some risk, even with all the precautions.  Catching the virus (or anything else) is about exposure AND time, and we are in each others’ space for 60-90 minutes.  Yes, we are presumably both healthy, but it has been proven that many people are asymptomatic or sick but not yet showing symptoms.  Be aware that when you come in, you are assuming that risk!

My goal is do do as many things as we can to mitigate the spread. And spread of ANY DISEASE, not just COVID. Each thing itself is not perfect, but layered together we can know we are doing everything possible to limit contact while also being able to still do bodywork.

Things I am doing (nothing has changed)

I have added a HEPA air filter to clean the air.  The room itself has no out circulation and the in-flow is covered to keep the temperature more conducive to massage (not cold AC directly on table).  

A clean blanket will be used for each person in addition to the regular clean sheets.

Fleece cover for face cradle will be removed and an extra cover added for massage table in order for all surfaces to be wiped down in between each client. I use non-toxic hypochlorous acid, with similar cleaning power to bleach but much safer and Clorox wipes on door handles, oil bottles and surfaces

Every possible surface in and around office cleaned after each client, with a detailed clean at the end of the day.  I am eliminating all cloth surfaces in order to be able to wipe everything.  

Pillows will not be kept under the table and used sheets will also be kept outside of the room.

I have dedicated work shoes that do not leave the office and I have clean clothes that get changed into/out of when I come to the building.

Appointments will have more time in between (30 min instead of 15min) to allow more time for added cleaning and airing out of the space.

As always, I wash my hands before and after each client so I will not use gloves during our sessions (I will have them available if you feel more comfortable with me using them).  

Things I will require of you:

First and foremost: STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK! I don’t care if it is allergies or something other than COVID, stay home and reschedule if you have ANY symptoms of any kind or just feel generally under the weather. Your massage/CST session can wait a few days for you to feel better. Not only will that limit transmission of any type of sickness between us, getting a massage session when you are sick (or getting sick) is NOT good for you!

If you are immune compromised (or live with someone who is) but would still like a session PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I have multiple times where there is less traffic in the office and am open to coming in on off hours so that we both feel comfortable.

Please DO NOT COME EARLY for your appointment.  If you arrive early, please wait in your car until 5 min before your appointment time.  I want to have plenty of time to clean everything and also have a few minutes to let the air settle before someone new comes in. I also would like to not have you waiting in the waiting room if we can avoid it.

Again, if you are sick, or suspect you might be getting sick, OF ANY TYPE Please do not come in.  Same goes for if anyone in your household or anyone you are in close contact with is or feels even slightly sick, even if it NOT COVID. 

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, but are recovered, I ask that you wait until 30 Days after you are symptom free before you get a massage.  This is per MS Massage Board.

MASKS are OPTIONAL but encouraged while on the table.

You wear a mask to protect me, and I wear a mask to protect you.  Hopefully no-one who comes in is sick, but the reality is that many people are asymptomatic or haven’t yet developed symptoms.  My concern is not just me, I’m thinking more of the next person who is in the office (or someone the next day) that catches it from me and then goes to their home or job and infects others, one of them infecting their grandmother whom they live with and she gets very sick.  It is much easier to contain everyones droplets at the source (you) than to filter them (me), and VICE VERSA.  

My goal is to attempt to mitigate all risk factors as much as I can.  Each thing by itself may not be perfect, but when combined with multiple procedures, the synergistic effect proves to be very effective.

Lastly, be aware that if someone who has been in my office tests positive for COVID-19 I will have to close at a moments notice and quarantine for at least 2 weeks. That means all clients in the next 2 weeks (at least) will be cancelled and all the clients who have been in the office in the past week will get a phone call from me to be informed.

If you develop any symptoms and have been in my office in the past week or two please notify me as soon as possible. This is VERY IMPORTANT to help stop the spread.

These procedures are not ideal, and they will not be forever. We are moving closer to what it was like before all this, but we are not there yet.

Thank you for your support during this time.